Immunity is the ability of the body to resist or eliminate foreign pathogens.


An excellent immune system can help us fight off the autumn and winter flu and cold. It is also an important part of daily prevention of allergies and cancer. In addition to daily exercise and good work, a balanced diet is also the key to maintaining the normal functioning of the immune system.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) and the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service recommend adding these 10 foods to your daily diet. Each one contains one or more nutrients that maintain the health of the immune system.

  1. Almond

Almond is a nutrient-rich, low-carbohydrate food. Although it is a high-fat food, most of it is monounsaturated fat, which can protect heart. At the same time, almonds are a good source of vegan protein, containing small amounts of essential and non-essential amino acids. One ounce of almonds contains 37% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin E, 8% of the recommended daily calcium, and 6% of the recommended daily amount of iron. It’s the perfect healthy snack. It can be added to yogurt or salad.

  • Avocados

Avocados are known for their monounsaturated fatty acids (another common food rich in this fatty acid is olive oil).  it is also a good source of vitamin E, vitamin C, iron and zinc.

However, the avocados are also high in calories, and eating a whole avocado is not good to the body weight. You can slice avocados and put them in a sandwich or salad.

  • Broccoli

Broccoli is considered to be one of the most nutritious vegetables. A cup of unprocessed chopped broccoli contains only 31 calories, but contains the vitamin C needed whole day. It helps stimulate antibody formation, which play a crucial role in the immune system. At the same time, broccoli is also an important source of vitamin A and plant iron.

  • Kale

Kale is a high-nutrition, low-calorie, low-carbohydrate food that is an excellent source of vitamin K. A cup of chopped cooked kale, with a vitamin k content that is more than eight times the vitamin K we need daily, which is important for bone health and blood clotting.

Kale is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, β-carotene and other carotenoids, as well as manganese, vitamin B6, potassium and copper. This makes kale a vegetable that is good for eye health, immunity, and anti-aging. Kale is also an important vegetarian source of calcium, making it a very good vegetable for vegetarians and vegetarian diets.

  • Mango

As a tropical fruit, mangoes are not only tasty but also nutritious. A mango contains all the vitamin C you need every day. It is also rich in potassium, but it contains almost no sodium. It can help regulate blood pressure and body fluid balance. It is also rich in vitamin A and folic acid.

  • Oysters

Oysters are rich in protein, and a medium-sized oyster contains about 5 g of protein. If you eat 2 to 3 oysters, the protein we eat is about the same as a chicken breast.

In addition, it offers several important vitamin minerals. One oyster contains up to 8 μg of vitamin B12 (this is 133% of our recommended daily intake), as well as a small amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid.

The minerals contained in oysters include iron (accounting for 14% of daily requirements), zinc (55% of daily requirements), copper (39% of daily requirements), and selenium (for daily needs). 55%), manganese (16% of daily requirements), and a small amount of phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.

  • Red sweet peppers

Red sweet peppers are low in calories, but rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin B6. It is also a good source of vitamin E, vitamin K, folic acid, potassium and manganese. A large red sweet pepper can provide 1.3 mg of manganese, which is 55% to 75% of our daily needs.

  • Sweet potato

Sweet potato is rich in vitamin A and also provides a lot of vitamin C, vitamin E and iron. Usually it is processed in a microwave or an oven, and it is great to have some butter and maple syrup.

  • Tuna

Tuna is known for its rich omega-3 fatty acids and is also rich in zinc, selenium and protein, which are essential for the immune system.

10 Yogurt

Almost all the promotion of yogurt will talk about it is rich in probiotics and improve immunity. But in fact, it is also a high protein food, but also contains some vitamin A and zinc. However, most yoghurt contains too much sugar on the market. It is recommended to choose plain yogurt and add some nuts, berries and a little honey to maintain its original nutrition.


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